5 Reasons To Use Both Ad Platforms
In the podcast:
00:38 – Introduction
01:44 – Optimize For Customer, Not The Platform
02:58 – Multi-Device, Multi-Platform
05:23 – Insurance
06:35 – Diversity
07:40 – Targeting Overlap
This is another quick tip episode where we share 5 reasons why you should be advertising on more than 1 advertising platform. Be sure to check it out!
Alright, welcome to another quick tip episode of Talking Web Marketing, this is where I share some quick traffic tips with you that relate to Google ads, Facebook ads, and really any kind of website traffic strategy paid or organic. And today’s quick tip episode is about using both ad platforms together. And why it’s a good idea to use both platforms together rather than just relying on one. So let’s jump right into today’s episode.
Alright, Ilana Wechsler here from Talking Web Marketing. And as mentioned in the intro, we’re going to be talking about using both or multiple ad platforms together rather than just relying on one. And I do find so many business owners just rely on one ad platform that seems to be working for them, rather than trying to find ways that multiple ad platforms can work together. And I’m going to go through five reasons why you should definitely consider both.
Optimize For Customer, Not The Platform
And the first reason and I do think the biggest reason is that as an advertiser, you need to optimize for the customer journey and not the platform. Because the reality is that as a customer, I use all these different platforms,Google, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube. And therefore you need to think like that, you need to think about the different ways that you can get in front of your customer on the platforms versus just focusing on one of them. Because, you know, if you just focus on Facebook ads, for example, if as a user, I decide “to hell with Facebook”. I’m having a Facebook detox, as an advertiser, I’ve lost the ability to advertise to that person. So it’s crazy. So you need to think in multiple platforms in you need to think about in optimizing for the customer journey, and not the platform. So if you think the old way, well, it’s 2019 now. And you need to think in this new way about how you can get in front of your customer at all the various points in the journey.
Multi-Device, Multi-Platform
The second reason, which is kind of a an extension of the first is that we live in a multi device and multi platform world. Where, as I said, people will seamlessly go between all the different platforms often in one session. So let’s say I say, a Facebook ad in my news feed, I might say that out, I think, Oh, these guys are interesting. I want to go check them out on Google save the URL comes up as legitimate, and see if there any reviews or check them out on Google. And then I might check them out on YouTube. And then I might go to Instagram and say, you know, and finding out there and engage with the ad this. So we live in a multi device and multi platform world. And you don’t just have to take my word for it. Google are inherently a data company. And they’ve done studies on this.
And they’ve watched the device journey throughout a 24 hour period, where they’ve noticed that people will often sleep with their phone next to their bed because it’s their alarm clock. And therefore, it’s the first thing they pick up as soon as they open their eyes in the morning. And then when they’re on the commute to work, they’re still on their phones. And then, you know, perhaps reading Twitter and looking at social media. And then when they’re at work, they’re on a desktop. And so then they’re engaging with various things on a desktop. And then on the maybe on their lunch break, they’re back on their phone, on their commute home, they’re back on their phone at night, they’re on the iPad in front of the TV, except you get the idea. The journey of the device, just even within a 24 hour period is multi device and it you know, it changes a lot throughout the day. So you need to be aware that that’s how users behave now. So rather than this driving analogy, rather than thinking, each platform has its own road, and the roads are not able to be connected to each other in any way they’re running in parallel. But as a driving can’t go from one room to another road. The reality of it is that these different platforms, just different lanes on the same road. And as a driver, you will seamlessly change lanes on the same road between the different platforms. That’s how you need to think about your advertising.
The third reason is, it’s a really good insurance policy to have multiple platforms, there’s some saying in business that you’re the most dangerous number in business is the number one. And the same applies for advertising, the most dangerous number to have in advertising is one. So by relying on just one ad platform, it’s the same here if for some reason, and it’s been known to happen in multiple cases where people had their Facebook ad account shut down for often no apparent reason. And it’s really, really scary for business owners, because you completely at the mercy of the algorithm that somehow triggered that your ad account got shut down, when you might have been playing by the rules perfectly well. and Facebook have been known to do this, this support is really atrocious. And so getting your ad account back and appealing, it sometimes can happen. But often it will take months. So it’s a good idea to have a good insurance policy in place and have multiple ad platforms that are working well for you. So I really like to say that people don’t put all your eggs in one advertising basket.
The fourth reason why I suggest you get multiple ad platforms working for you really applies to the people who are just running Facebook ads. If I had $1 for every time I heard people say, our Facebook ads just work really well for me, I’m just going to do them. Well, you know, with all the debacle that went on 2018 with data privacy, Facebook are losing users. And therefore, you know, if somebody if you are relying solely on Facebook ads as your main form of lead generation, and your customers decide to have a Facebook detox, you’ve lost all abilities to advertise with them. So please make sure that you don’t just rely on social media advertising, yes, it works amazingly well. But you should invest in at least getting the Google platform working for you as well, so that you have some kind of insurance policy if your customers decide that they don’t want to use Facebook anymore.
Targeting Overlap
Alright, and the last reason why you should use both is because actually, there is a lot of overlap in the targeting. So what do I mean by that, I mean, that if, let’s say, Facebook ads is working really well for you, there is a lot of the targeting which you would know is working on Facebook that you can apply to Google and vice versa. A lot of the Google targeting which you can apply on Facebook as well, we actually have a whole training module on this in our membership at teachtraffic.com/training to join the waitlist there. And there is a lot of overlap. We’ve done a whole case study on a business that was working really well on Facebook, and how we applied the winning targeting on Facebook onto Google without having to guess and test out all this new targeting, I show you exactly how to do that. So just know that there is actually a lot of overlap that you can do to apply what you already know is working on to another ad platform so that you don’t have to really reinvent the wheel completely.
Wrap Up
So there you have it. Another quick tip episode for you. Thanks for listening. And we’ll be doing more of these episodes for you in 2019. If you enjoy this episode, I’d love to hear hear about it, you can leave us a iTunes review, I would be eternally grateful. And also be sure to check out the resource we will make available to download at TalkingWebmarketing.com it does actually redirect you to the podcast section on our website, teachtraffic.com/training and you can download the resource so that you can get a summary of this so you don’t have to write it all down and some little extra nuggets of gold bundled up in that as well. So thanks for listening and we’ll talk to you guys soon!