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6 Easy Ways To Win Customers With Remarketing

It’s one of the joys, yet pitfalls of the Internet – there’s too much choice! Consumers can click off your page just as quickly as they clicked on it.

How do you target these visitors and turn them into customers?

Remarketing is one of easiest ways to do this. It allows you to advertise to prospective customers while they’re viewing a different web page. The great thing about remarketing is while ad spend is lower, you’re still able to increase brand awareness.

Take Advantage Of These 6 Easy Remarketing Strategies

1. Leverage Content Upgrades

It is the hope that every visitor to your website decides to opt in and download your “bonus” content…but that doesn’t always happen. If the content isn’t relevant, or something else caught their eye, they won’t share their email address to receive it. With Facebook Ads, you can create an ad to target this group of people and hopefully convince them to opt in.


This is what you need to do:

2. Remarket To Website Visitors


Not sure which web visitors subscribe and which don’t? Well, don’t be left in the dark! Remarketing is a clever way to identify your highest performing offers. Use Facebook to test your offers and then hone in on the ad that’s most likely to increase your subscription rate.



Here’s how to do it:

3. Remarket To Your Most Engaged Customers

Socially active users are a huge asset to your marketing efforts. Tap into their network by showing them highly shareable content to increase your exposure. The Facebook algorithm also favors sponsored posts with high engagement and boosts its organic reach.

Log into your email marketing system and export a list of subscribers who have opened your recent emails – these are your most engaged customers.

Once you have the list, import it into Facebook by following these steps:

4. Remarket With Time Sensitive Offers

Consumers are highly motivated by deals, in particular limited time offers. They’re a great way to convert a browsing visitor into a paying customer. A perfect time to run time sensitive offers is during the holidays. Make sure you have an up to date calendar with seasonal holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas), Federal/Bank Holidays (July 4th, Memorial Day) and other popular shopping holidays such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Valentine’s Day. These are peak shopping times that you can’t afford to miss!

Use Facebook to advertise your seasonal offers to an audience of potential customers who are sitting on the fence.

In order to do this, create a custom audience of visitors who have landed on a specific page of your website but haven’t subscribed. Target this group with your seasonal offer. Hopefully, if you have an attractive proposition, a potential customer will be motivated to give you a try.

5. Remarket To Hot Leads

Hot Leads – these are people who are highly interested in purchasing your products or services.

Highly interested people have likely reviewed your product and added it to their cart. Yet for one reason or another they haven’t followed through on their purchase. Facebook remarketing will deliver ads to this group of people and hopefully remind them of their interest in your product and nudge them to click “Proceed to Checkout”.

6. Remarket To Customers for Cross-sells and Upsells

Remarketing for cross-sells is similar to remarketing to hot leads except here you’re remarketing to buyers – people who have already purchased your product. The goal here is to encourage these customers to buy a complementary product. For example, a cross-sell ad might display a yoga mat to someone who has already purchased yoga clothing.

Remarketing for upsells encourages a customer to move from considering one product to considering another one with a higher profit margin.


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