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How To Copy Social Proof Over In Facebook

When you start spending a decent amount of money on ads… you will find that you want to test lots of different things.

And this applies to ANY ad platform really.

That’s the whole point right… after all… that’s the only way you know what will work. With testing. And making decisions based on real data.

So, what kind of things do you test? High level, you want to test the following….

You get the idea.

How Does This Apply To Facebook Ads?

If you are running Facebook ads, you will want to test lots of different interests. That way you will know which ‘interests’ resonate with your product / service.

It is a good idea to test the SAME ad with different interests, so you have a proper and unbiased test of the interest you are targeting.

Most people don’t realise that when  you start duplicating ads from one ad set to another, a little known fact is that it will actually create another version of the same ad.

This is an important distinction and you need to understand the implications of another version.

The implications are that the social proof will be shared (and spread) across the different versions.

So, for example, if you are testing the same ad with 3 different targeting options, you will most likely have 3 different versions of the same ad. And therefore, when anyone comments or likes your ad, it will be on the particular version of the ad that they are seeing.

BUT… you can change this…. you can have each 3 ad sets pointing to the SAME ad, and NOT create a new version.

The reason you want this is so that all the social proof with pooled together and builds on the same ad.

That is how advertisers quickly accumulate a lot of social proof in 1 ad.

Want a demo on how to do it – it’s super easy. Just watch how it is done below: