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Google Ads Campaign Objective Explained

Google Ads Campaign Objective Explained

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Google ads campaign objectives. In this article we’re going to cover:

Make sure you read through to the article, because I’m going to reveal my main preferred campaign objective, pretty much for all the campaigns that I run, and I guarantee you, it’s not the one that you think I’m going to choose.

So let’s talk all about campaign objectives. If you’re not sure what exactly what I mean, when you click on create a new campaign,

The first prompt it’s asking me for is to choose what is my campaign objective here, the options are to choose sales leads, website traffic, app promotion, awareness, local store visits, and to create a campaign without a goal guidance.

It’s worth mentioning that if you’ve had experience with Facebook ads, you might find a similar prompt there. However, in Google Ads, choosing the campaign objective doesn’t significantly limit your strategy. The major impact of selecting a campaign objective in Google Ads is primarily associated with its bid strategy—specifically, the bid strategy options available to you.

So for example, if I choose sales as my campaign objective,

what you’ll find is, I will have fewer bidding options than if I were to choose to create a campaign without a goal guidance, where I have all the available settings, and all the available bidding options for me to choose.

So it’s also worth mentioning that whichever objective you choose, you can actually change once you have created your campaigns as well. So don’t panic and don’t think, Oh, my God, I’ve got to choose the right one. Because if I don’t, I can’t change it, I’m going to have to create a whole new campaign. That’s actually not the case.

Let me show you real quick here in a live campaign. So I’ve gone to the settings in my live campaign. And as you can see here, the marketing objective,

and I clicked on this, I had chosen no goal guidance.

And that’s because as I mentioned just previously, I wanted the full amount of settings available for me. So I chose without goal guidance.

But I could easily enrich, you know, change this going forward.

So, I can change this to ‘sales,’ click ‘Save,’ and you’ll see here that my marketing objective is set to ‘sales.’ Okay, so don’t panic about choosing the right one. There is actually quite a helpful article by Google:

which explains each objective and the features associated with them. Depending on the type of campaign you’re looking to create, you might want to first define your campaign type and then choose the objective that’s best associated with it.

As mentioned at the start of this article, the campaign objective that I choose most of the time is actually, controversially, ‘to create a campaign without goal guidance.

Because I want the full amount of control, I want to be able to decide if I want to do manual bidding, or I want to do automated bidding. So it actually doesn’t limit me in terms of the performance for that goal, guidance, that particular option.

So often, that’s the one that I choose. And maybe later on down the track when I am running an automated bid strategy, then I might change it to be sales or leads or whatever, whatever else I’m doing. So there you have it. That’s all the information that you need to know about campaign objectives. Think about what is right for your business and what you want to do, and ultimately how much control you want to have when you’re creating your campaigns.