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Google Ads Rolls Out Diagnostic Insights

Google Ads Rolls Out Diagnostic Insights

There is a new update from Google informing advertisers about diagnostic issues that may be affecting your campaign’s performance.

Updates on the Diagnostic Insights

This update is going to roll out new data set to the insights page that will highlight any issues found during diagnostic checks in your campaigns.

Additionally, Diagnostic insights will help advertisers identify the following problems they may have encountered: 

Where you can find these

The data about Diagnostic Insights can be found on the Overview page for Performance Max campaigns. You can troubleshoot them as soon as they are detected.

Here are the detailed breakdown of the following insights provided by Google Ads:

This Diagnostic Insights were previewed in Google ads last May along with the announcement that they are rolling out the updates soon. 

The Google Ads Diagnostic Insights

Note that the Diagnostic Insights only show stuff when your campaign aren’t receiving traffic or conversions.

Basically, if your campaign is working perfectly and people are seeing your ads and clicking on them, then you won’t be seeing diagnostic issues report to view.

Additionally, not everyone hasn’t given access yet to the Insights page since its still in Beta. Google is gradually rolling out the updates to randomly chosen advertisers.

Lastly, the Diagnostic Insights are currently available for Performance Max campaigns for now, but the new dataset is set to expand to other campaign types as well over the coming months.