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Google Ads’ Latest Update: Pay For Conversions

Pay For Conversions

Google Ads’ Latest Update: Pay For Conversions

00:19 – Intro
00:43 – Pay for Conversions
01:11 – Account Demo

Google have recently innovated, and released a new update, which I do believe is going to be a bit of a game changer in the Google ad space. So typically, Google has strictly been a pay per click platform. That means that you don’t pay for people to see ads, you only pay when people click on your ads, hence, pay per click advertising, right? Well, Google have recently rolled out an update, which is a game changer in the Google ad space.

And what it is, it’s called “Pay For Conversions“. So essentially, you are only paying Google for the conversions or the leads that that campaign has generated. So you don’t pay for impressions. You don’t pay for a click, you only pay Google for the leads that it has generated. Sounds a little bit too good to be true, right?

Well, let me show you in an account exactly what I mean. So here we are in an account where the target cost per lead is $35. Now that’s just relevant to this particular business, you would choose whatever target cost per lead is relevant for your business. So here we are, where we have set the target CPA for $35. We’ve had 842 impressions. So 842 people have seen the ad, five clicks, and there’s no lead so we haven’t paid anything completely free. Pretty crazy, right?

Let me show you in another account. Here we have a different account, which has a different target CPA. This one has a target. See, I have $30. We’ve had hundred and 82,000 impressions, about 1200 odd clicks, and we’ve generated three conversions. So we only paid $90 for those three leads. We didn’t pay for the clicks, only the leads that it generated. So I thought I’d share this with you. Make sure you roll this out into your account. And if you need a hand, you can just give me a shout. Hope you enjoy!