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Remarketing To Your Existing Customers

Remarketing Tips and Guides - Should You Remarket To Your Exsiting Customers

Remarketing To Your Existing Customers


James: James Schramko here with Ilana Wechsler from Hey Ilana!

Ilana: Hey James.

James: You are somewhat of an expert with Google ads, Facebook and YouTube traffic, teaching people how to do it. One question I get a fair bit is remarketing.

And in particular with remarketing, should you remark it to existing customers? Because I think a lot of people would automatically switch off existing customers. It’s like, hey, we’ve got this customer now. And they’re going after prospects. Is there a reason why would we retarget customers and what would we retarget them with if we were?

Ilana: Yeah, so it’s funny, like I’ve been trained as a, you know, a good ad manager and classic good ad management is, you know, don’t show ads to your existing customers to always exclude those people especially obviously from a retargeting point of view.

So you’re not trying to sell the people who’ve already bought your product right? thing is like this world has changed a little bit. So specifically on the Facebook side of things, a bit of a ninja tactic is what we might do is we might intentionally show ads to existing customers, because if your products good and good customers love your product, they’re going to be really generous.

And they’re going to say, I bought the shoes that was so comfortable, love them, blah, blah, blah, blah, and sprinkle your ad with lots of really nice social proof and comments. And so you run those ads to your existing customers for a really short amount of time, like two, three days, turn that off, and then suddenly, your ad has been transformed into a wonderful ad with great social proof that you can use out cold to your cold audiences.

So that’s one application. You wouldn’t do that on Google because people can’t comment, right?

James: Yeah, I got exactly what you mean. I keep seeing ads on Instagram for a surfboard manufacturer two actually maybe even three who have purchased surfboards from before.

But every time I see the ad it just I always I love their product always give it a big love I sometimes write a comment these boards are awesome like exactly what you’re talking about they could show me those ads all day long. I’d never get sick of them because just reminds me of what a great board I purchased from them.

And I’ll probably buy another one. Truth be told.

Ilana: Let’s be honest. But the thing is you know like you want to shout it from the rooftops because you love it so much. Yeah and that’s what you want other people to share in the love that you get from it, you know?

But on the other side of things. You know retargeting to existing customers is a great way to obviously cross promote other products. So you know, you bought that surfboard. Maybe you need the fins with it. For example.

James: Oh, I need everything Ilana. Everything I need…one of each type in the range. It all planned out. I mean, it was the colors really the that’s the part that I think a lot about now.

It’s like what color I start imagining it. But you know, if they just keep advertising, I will keep buying it’s simple recipe, because it’s keep getting in my face and they’ll get me at that exact right time where all the stars have aligned. I want to celebrate something that happened. I feel like it’s great. And I’ll just go ahead and do it.

Ilana: Yeah. So you know, I think the mistake that business owners make is that too soon as someone’s a customer or let’s say, a subscriber to their database, they never show them an ad again.

And we all know, email open rates are not 100%. So it’s a really good idea to you know, combine ads with your email marketing, like a surround sound audio experience, because, you know, as I said, email open rates are not 100%. So it’s just another touch point.

James: So yeah, there’s a cost less to advertise to these people.

Ilana:Absolutely. So Yeah, we all know retargeting is, you know you can easily do a retargeting campaign on 5,10 dollars a day so it’s low, low hanging fruit.

And just be mindful to watch the frequency of your campaign so you don’t want to show people the same ad over and over again. Maybe in a separate video James will kind of go through ways to improve your retargeting campaigns and we can talk about some of that. But yeah, it’s definitely much cheaper than going out to cold audiences.

James: Let’s do it. And if you want to get a huge return on investment in all your ad spend then make sure you join because Ilana will give you lots of tune up tips with their education, make sure that you’re significantly improving whatever you’re advertising now, whether it’s Google, Facebook or YouTube, you’re going to get a great ROI.

I’ll catch up with you on the next video Ilana.

Ilana: Cool, thanks, James. See ya.